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このたび、応援してくださるファンの皆さん、スペシャルゲストなどの共演してくださったみなさん、バンドメンバー、LIVEスタッフ、LDHスタッフ、avexスタッフ、その他たくさんの方々のおかげで、 "It's Show Time" のDVDがウィークリーチャート1位をいただくことができました。本当に本当にありがとうございます。でも、1位を取ったという事もそうですが、何より自分が人生をかけてtryしていることを、たくさんの方々に理解していただけたり、観ていただけている喜び、それが本当の嬉しさです。

そして、三冠⁈ LIVE DVD、ブルーレイ、その2つの合算、の三部門で一位になれたそうで、本当にありがたい限りです…。

First to begin with, I would like to show my appreciation to all my fans, to all the special guests that came to my stage, my band members,
the tour staff, LDH staff, Avex staff, and to all of you that have shown me support throughout the years.
We did it !!
I am truly honored and happy to know that I received number one on the charts, but more than that, I'm blessed to know that people have understood what I've been trying to do throughout the years.
Words cannot express how happy I am to know that all of you have seen this performance.
Number One on Live DVD, Number One on Blu-ray, and Number One on the DVD and Blu-ray combo.
Three Categories placed Number One !
To all of you that have seen it already and to those that will see it in the near future....

"It's Show Time" was ranked 1st on the weekly DVD sales. Thank you so so much.
To collaborate with wonderful guest artists was a true blessing. Singing on stage w/SHUN after a 10year blank.....
In addition, A Triple Crown?! 
thank you.

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